Poker Against Bots: How To Win Against Bots in Poker
Bots are essentially computer programs that are designed to simulate human behavior in order to trick other players into thinking they are real people. In online poker, bots tend to play very aggressively at first and then become extremely tight once you figure out their pattern. The good news is that it’s not that hard to beat them if you know what you’re doing. Here are 5 strategies to win against bots in poker:
Don’t Play for Too Long Without Taking a Break
One of the easiest ways for bots to beat you is by wearing you down. When you play online poker for too long without taking a break, you start making mistakes and you let the bot’s aggression get the better of you. If you’re up against a bot, you want to end the session before it wears you down. If you don’t, you will lose a lot of money. Also, if you play for too long with a bot at your table, it will build a model of you based on your playing style, which will make it easier for it to beat you in the long run. Avoid playing for too long or you’ll end up falling victim to the bot’s tricks.
Identify What Type of Bot You Are Facing and Adjust Your Strategy Accordingly
There are different types of online poker bots and they are designed to trick you in different ways. For example, some bots will play at a super-aggressive rate that many human players won’t be able to keep up with. Other bots will play at a super-conservative rate and wait for you to make a mistake. You need to identify what type of bot you are up against and adjust your strategy accordingly. For example, if you’re up against an ultra-aggressive bot, you might want to play a bit more aggressively yourself in order to keep up with its pace. If you’re up against a super-conservative online poker bot, you may want to play a bit more conservatively yourself in order to win its money.
Change the Pace
A good way to outlast a poker bot is to change the pace of the game. The bot is programmed to play the same way at all times, but humans have different playing styles depending on the circumstances. If you change the pace of the game, the bot may get confused and make mistakes. You can do this a few different ways:
You can play more aggressively when the bot is playing aggressively and more conservatively when the bot is playing conservatively
You can play super-super aggressively when the bot is playing super conservatively, and vice versa. This forces the bot to change its strategy.
You can play at the same pace as the bot but play hands that it doesn’t like to play. This will force the bot to change its strategy.
Use the Same Bluff at Multiple Positions on the River
Another good way to outlast a poker bot is to make the same bluff at multiple positions on the river. The bot will expect you to change your betting patterns and will be waiting for you to switch to a different type of bluff. The bot will be expecting you to switch to a more conservative bet, but you can outlast it by making the same bluff over and over again. Such a bluff would only work if you usually make a more conservative bet on a similar board. If you usually make a more aggressive bet on a similar board, the bot will be expecting you to make a more aggressive bet this time around too.
Establish Whether or Not You’re up Against a Bot Based on Its Betting Patterns
If you have been up against a poker bot for a while and you can’t seem to beat it, you might want to establish whether or not you’re up against a bot based on its betting patterns. You might think that all you need to do is find out what type of bot you are up against, but at this point you’re probably up against multiple types of bots. If you’ve been up against a poker bot for a while, you’ll start to notice that it always bets the same way. This will make it easier for you to spot when it is bluffing or not. You’ll also notice that the bot will bet the same amount with weak hands and strong hands. This is the easiest way to spot a bot.
Bots have been a problem in online poker for a very long time, but they can be beaten. If you know what you’re doing, they’ll be no match for you and you’ll be able to outlast them by changing the pace and employing a few different strategies. If you want to beat the bots, you need to be aware of their tricks and you need to be patient. You can’t expect to beat them in one day and you can’t expect to beat them without making a few mistakes.
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